
Opinion: California’s lawsuit to stop Trump’s border wall makes no sense

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To the editor: I find the current anti-wall activity of state Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra and his cohorts to be so ridiculous that it is nearly insane. (“California again steps up to Trump, this time to stop the border wall,” Sept. 20)

They will use every hook possible to prevent or delay the wall (and keep feeding the lawyers).

My argument is to simply consider the situation south of San Diego at Tijuana and points east, and then consider what it would be like without the existing walls. Perhaps Becerra and others like him should call for dismantling the walls already in place to see what happens.


George W. Zeissner, Fountain Valley


To the editor: This may be the last straw for citizens in California. In addition to this latest action, citizens will soon have a “sanctuary state” and huge gas and auto registration tax increases thrust upon them.

Some good news will be coming, though. One day, Democrats will be shocked to find that they have lost everything. It may take time, but California voters will thank them for turning the state red again, with a Republican governor and Legislature.


It may happen sooner than we think.

Arline George, Reseda

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