
Readers React: Protesting climate change is useless if we don’t stop using fossil fuels now

Marchers push for action against climate change in Brussels on March 31.
Marchers push for action against climate change in Brussels on March 31.
(Nicolas Maeterlinck / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: I’m impressed with Swedish student Greta Thunberg’s success in rallying 1.6 million young people to march against climate change. That’s a huge accomplishment.

I attended the march here in Los Angeles two weeks ago, where about 500 mostly high school kids and a few of us graybeards marched in the hot sun waving signs and chanting. The young folks seemed genuinely sincere. Mixed in with the giddiness of skipping school on a sunny Friday was a palpable tinge of fear. These kids understand the science.

No one there suggested an action to take, so allow me to offer one in two parts. The fix for climate change is to stop using oil, coal and gas. The students should convince their parents to buy 100% clean electricity for their homes. And, if their parents drive gas cars, they need to switch to electric vehicles.


This will have an actual impact on climate change. Marching and chanting is fun, but the oil companies will continue drilling as long as people keep giving them money to do so.

Paul Scott, Santa Monica

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