
Readers React: Double pay for not working — how is this acceptable to L.A.’s leaders?

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To the editor: Every so often, the Los Angeles Times publishes articles that detail the schemes employed by various public servants to pick the pockets of the long-suffering taxpayers. (“Veteran L.A. cops and firefighters can work one shift, then collect double pay for years,” Feb. 18)

It is appalling that these and other so-called public servants would pounce on any loophole in their benefits packages to greedily line their own pockets or maybe relax at home or in some tropical locale while draining public coffers.

While the writers of this most recent round of investigative pieces are to be lauded for their excellent journalism in examining the Deferred Retirement Option Plan, which has allowed certain public safety employees in Los Angeles to collect double pay while out on disability, I very highly doubt that it will change anything for the better.


No one in power has the integrity or the gumption to rid Los Angeles of these abuses.

Maureen Ballard, Rolling Hills Estates


To the editor: I would like to hope that the law-abiding men and women of our city’s police and fire departments are not happy having their reputation soiled by colleagues who are obviously scamming and gaming the system.

I would also like to hope that our mayor and City Council are smart enough to know that this is a problem that needs to be fixed and will not hesitate to find a solution — now. Their constituents are watching.


Roy Friedland, Los Angeles


To the editor: In reading this article on public safety employees who are injured on the job by after seemingly minor accidents, I am surprised by how frail some of our fire and law enforcement officers seem to be.

I am amazed that these people passed those tough tests to become one of the city’s finest and then suffered an ankle, knee or wrist injury getting up from a desk, lifting a box or playing volleyball.


I know that the DROP program is intended to retain experienced employees, but obviously, it is not working.

These are the people that we are supposed to trust with our safety.

Eileen Padberg, Irvine

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