
Opinion: Why Comey should have stayed quiet about those Clinton emails

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To the editor: Was the decision to inform Congress of developments in the Hillary Clinton email investigation less than two weeks before the election a “darned if you do, darned if you don’t” situation for FBI Director James B. Comey? (“FBI chief Comey says he has no regrets about his preelection letter on Hillary Clinton’s emails,” May 3)

Not at all. If nothing was said and Clinton was elected, and after the election some wrongdoing came to light, then Comey could have said, “All we knew at the time was that there was additional information that had not been analyzed.” Plus, impeachment would have been an option.

But we now know that the material was not relevant but that Comey went ahead and wrote his letter. All he can say now is, “We didn’t know that there was no evidence of wrongdoing there at the time.”


Which is precisely why he should have kept his mouth shut in the first place. Comey himself basically elected President Trump, and now there is nothing that can be done.

Robert S. Henry, San Gabriel

The writer served as a California deputy attorney general.



To the editor: Until Clinton and the Democratic Party face reality as to why they lost the election, they are doomed to failure. Her email problems had nothing to do with why she lost.

Clinton lost because party leaders dismissed Sen. Bernie Sanders’ chances of winning, she is not a likable person, Democrats have the worst PR people ever, and Bill Clinton was responsible for turning the party over to corporate interests. In effect, the Clintons turned their party into the Republican-lite Party.

We no longer have anyone to represent the people, and if there ever was a time for a party that represents us, it is now.


Shirley Conley, Gardena

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