
Readers React: Les Moonves and the need for a ‘truth and reconciliation’ commission for the #MeToo era

Then-CBS chief Les Moonves on Sept. 19, 2017.
Then-CBS chief Les Moonves on Sept. 19, 2017.
(Chris Pizzello / Invision / AP)
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To the editor: Another one bites the dust. There will be more people like former CBS Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Leslie Moonves — many more.

We all know that sexual abusers and harassers exist in all walks of life. We can wait until the next high-profile scandal and feign surprise, or we can actually do something to try to change this pervasive syndrome that plagues our society.

I suggest we institute something similar to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that was established in South Africa at the end of apartheid. While not perfect, it could give victims a chance to be heard and perpetrators an opportunity to confess and offer to change and, possibly, face prosecution.


Next, I suggest a comprehensive training course to be implemented in our schools to train children to respect others and, specifically, not to engage in gender-related harassment. It should also be presented in government, businesses, jails and everywhere else where training can be given.

Yes, this is a huge, long-term project. But what is the alternative?

Laurie Jacobs, San Clemente


To the editor: Moonves lost his job at CBS. Maybe he should run for president.

It seems that president of the United States is the only position in America where you can keep your job despite a lack of moral standards and no matter how many women accuse you of mistreatment.


Greg Nathanson, Los Angeles

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