
Readers React: Pelosi’s work to pass Obamacare in 2010 is not a good enough reason to make her speaker again

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks Nov. 15 at a Capitol news conference.
(J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Bravo to the 16 Democrats who had the courage to stand up to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in her bid to be the next speaker of the House.

The blue wave occurred due to Democrats promising change. Electing Pelosi is not change.

The only significant accomplishment Pelosi can truthfully claim is getting Obamacare passed, which was nothing more than Romneycare on a national level. Now, she floats the idea of passing a rule on raising taxes on middle- and low-income earners that would all but destroy any chances for a national single-payer healthcare system and most other progressive legislation.

Pelosi has shown her true colors more than once. She has no place being the next speaker of the House.


John Zavesky, Riverside


To the editor: I am one very angry and disgusted Democrat.

The party has a mission to accomplish — to restore some order, decency and productivity in Washington, as well as win in 2020. And yet, the newly elected representatives, instead of coming together and working as a team, are squabbling in the sandbox like children.

Yes, new blood is a good idea, but not now. Pelosi is a seasoned and smart member of Congress who knows how how to deal with the gutless Republicans in the Senate and the president. The incoming freshmen haven’t a clue how to navigate this morass.


Please, my fellow Democrats, now that we have a chance, do not sabotage our efforts to create a better future.

Barbara Busch, Santa Barbara

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