
Opinion: There’s a difference between opposing Trump on immigration and coddling law-breakers

A anti-Trump demonstrator waves a large Mexican flag as protesters on the march snarl traffic in downtown Los Angeles.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: The accompanying photo of the demonstrator waving the Mexican flag is reflective of the shameless politics being exploited by the likes of opinion writer Harold Meyerson and state Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), who has introduced a bill to in effect turn California into a sanctuary state. (“L.A. faces a moral test: How will we respond to deportation threats?” Opinion, March 5)

Despite the fact that California now has the nation’s highest number of people living in poverty as well as the country’s largest unlawful population, Meyerson and De León seek to make our state an ongoing magnet for people illegally transitioning across our southern border.

What’s worse is the amount of time, money and effort being devoted in defense and support of this illegal population while forsaking the critical needs of the remaining untold millions of lawful California residents.


Jim Redhead, San Diego


To the editor: There are reasons to support or oppose deportations of persons in the country illegally. However, there is something wrong with Meyerson’s couching resistance to the law in terms of morality.

How is it moral to encourage persons to disobey the law? How is it immoral to enforce the law? Shouldn’t it be our goal to want all persons to respect the rule of law?


David Marcus, Los Angeles

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