
Opinion: The problem with the Trump administration is Trump, not his staffers

White House communications director Mike Dubke has resigned as communication director.
White House communications director Mike Dubke has resigned as communication director.
(Susan Walsh / Associated Press)

To the editor: President Trump is, as usual, pointing the finger at others for his poor standing with the public. He blames the media and members of his staff when the real answer can be found a lot closer to home. (“Shake-up rumors build as Trump’s communications director exits,” May 30)

A political operative cited in this article says that Trump will not change his style and that others should not expect they can change things. I think he has hit the nail on the head.

From the early days of his presidential campaign in 2015 to the present, Trump’s “style” of name-calling, insult-flinging and making often inarticulate, contradictory and fearmongering statements have set the tone for his administration. A new staff won’t make much difference unless the president himself changes his ways.


Joanna Ryder, Hermosa Beach


To the editor: So the Trump administration is trying to fix things by a getting rid of a bunch of its media staff. Isn’t that like fixing a car by giving it a good wash and some detailing?

Gary Coyne, South Pasadena

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