
Letters to the Editor: Anthony Avalos’ death demands top-down change at the DCFS

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To the editor: After reading reporter Garrett Therolf’s heartbreaking account of the 2018 death of 10-year-old Anthony Avalos, my anger was followed by sadness and an overwhelming sense of helplessness and frustration.

We see continually now so many cases where these tragedies could have been avoided had these children been protected and supported by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

Why is this agency still doing business as usual? Are we going to read of a similar tragedy next week? Next month? And what will the DCFS’ excuse be then?


This agency needs a complete overhaul, from the top down. A boy is dead, tortured over time. Will no one speak for him and demand justice?

Ana Maria Geraldino, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: As a retired DCFS employee, I am appalled and saddened by the death of Avalos while he was under the supervision of the DCFS.


I believe the agency should consider a swing shift work schedule for social workers at the Palmdale and Lancaster offices as well as the DCFS offices throughout the county. More often than not, DCFS clients request visits or meetings in the evenings.

Accessibility to the children, parents and caregivers in the evenings can only be described as crucial to the safety of children.

Amelia Medrano, Encino
