
Letters to the Editor: Evangelicals seem oddly at ease praising the immoral Trump

Evangelicals for Trump
Attendees sing and pray at an Evangelicals for Trump rally in Miami on Jan. 3.
(Jim Watson / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: I appreciate former Christianity Today editor Mark Galli’s attempts to remind evangelical Christians that the values of Jesus, in whom they supposedly believe, are anathema to the values and person of Donald Trump, whom they clearly adore.

Galli seems not to realize that, for vast numbers of evangelical Christians, the venal, bigoted, xenophobic, vindictive values of President Trump are their values. They are just fine with him because of, not in spite of, who and what he is.

To me, an atheist, the fawning, obscenely sacrilegious prayer at the Evangelicals for Trump rally mentioned by Galli is the true face of American Evangelism. Galli has his work cut out for him if wants to prove otherwise.


Barbara Carlton, El Cajon


To the editor: As an evangelical Christian, I did not vote for Trump in 2016. I was appalled by his immaturity and immoral behavior toward women.

But didn’t we go through this with President Bill Clinton? And, wasn’t he given a pass and supported by most Democrats? Now, these same Democrats castigate the immoral Trump.


Politics can leave us with only ugly choices. Having said that, I will be voting for Trump in 2020.

The president is strong on defense and borders and supportive of religious liberty. What choice do Christians have when the candidates on the left constantly remind us of America’s faults, support late-term abortions and scorn the notion that marriage is only between a man and a woman?

We Christians have no choice. That’s why I will be running to the polls in November to vote for Trump while holding my nose.


Dan Jones, Rancho Santa Margarita
