
Letters to the Editor: Coronavirus isn’t the only thing threatening our lungs right now

Rush-hour traffic on a Los Angeles freeway in 2017.
Rush-hour traffic on a Los Angeles freeway in 2017.
(Branimir Kvartuc / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Growing up in Southern California, I remember the smog-choked air I breathed as a teenager in the 1960s. (“Trump weakens fuel economy standards, rolling back key U.S. effort against climate change,” March 31)

As an American Lung Assn. staffer in the 1970s, I served on the South Coast Air Quality Management District Advisory Council. I was a community representative trying to rein in auto emissions and promote cleaner cars and ride sharing. I am proud of the environmental progress we have made in the decades since.

I was outraged (but I can’t say I was shocked) that President Trump, always tone deaf to the needs of the American people, chose to roll back fuel economy standards, reminding us how little he connects his decision-making to our respiratory health, especially with the coronavirus impacting us at this time.


It just takes my breath away.

Tim Geddes, Huntington Beach


To the editor: I am absolutely livid that the Trump administration has chosen this chaotic time to attempt to weaken the nation’s ambitious fuel efficiency standards put in place in 2012 under President Obama.

California’s air quality has improved over the decades, partly due to such regulatory measures. Needless to say, our state will fight this effort and hopefully will be successful.


Very telling is the list of automakers that have agreed to meet California’s emissions standards: Ford, Honda, Volkswagen and BMW, with Volvo also in negotiations to join the agreement. In support of this, my family will make sure that our next car will be from one of these automakers.

We will be sure not to purchase a car made by Toyota, General Motors or Fiat Chrysler, which are aligning with Trump — and we’ve had a number of Toyotas over the last 30 years.

Automakers, take note.

Jill Anderson, Pismo Beach



To the editor: Has everyone forgotten that America’s auto industry was gutted by fuel-efficient Japanese vehicles? Or that rivers have caught fire because of industrial pollution?

As the Trump administration continues its march to environmental degradation, the table is being set for crises much worse than the coronavirus.

Rich Holland, Aliso Viejo
