
Letters to the Editor: Joe Biden’s supporters need to explain their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh

Joe Biden
Joe Biden speaks during a press event in Wilmington, Del., on March 12, 2020.
(AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: Robin Abcarian managed to write an entire column on how Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden will not change her vote this November, without once mentioning Brett M. Kavanaugh.

Abcarian should have had the courage to explain the much tougher stance she took in condemning then-Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh in 2018 for an allegation from when he was much younger than Biden. She took the easy way out.

Ira Kharasch, Santa Monica



To the editor: Nearly 30 years after this alleged (and now graphically described) assault against Reade, a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during the Democratic presidential primary, she suddenly surfaces months before a presidential election in which the man she is accusing is the presumptive Democratic Party nominee.

How is Biden supposed to defend himself against something that allegedly occurred nearly three decades ago?

And, of course, we have many women — and lots of Republican men — making charges of hypocrisy against the Democrats for not following the same playbook they used with Kavanaugh, then a highly objectionable candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court (based on many issues having nothing to do with his alleged sexual assault).


This entire flap is an exercise in foolishness.

Marcia Goodman, Long Beach


To the editor: Concerning Abcarian’s choice for a vote we will have next November, may I put it more succinctly?

If the Democrats dress up a monkey in a hat, cigar, cane and sunglasses, I will vote for the monkey. The choice is that obvious.


Vic Volpe, Camarillo
