
Letters to the Editor: The media can weaken Trumpism by ignoring Donald Trump

President Trump at the White House on Nov. 26.
President Trump at the White House after participating in a video teleconference call with members of the military on Nov. 26.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: The media hold enormous sway in determining political power, both here and abroad. One way to stamp out Trumpism is to render it impotent by not giving Trump the constant attention he so narcissistically craves. (“To stamp out Trumpism, the U.S. needs to deal with these six things,” Opinion, Nov. 27)

It’s time for the press to look away from, and not repeat, this president’s lies, vitriol and divisive words.

Vicki Kipper, Los Angeles



To the editor: As a former teacher of civics and American government, I was disappointed that the authors did not include recommendations for fundamental educational changes in the United States as a priority to protect our democracy from the Trumps of this world.

The guardrails they listed are important, but fundamentally our democracy depends on educated voting citizens who are inoculated against the likes of President Trump and others who will follow him.

Poll results and election studies have shown that educated voters overwhelmingly rejected Trump and his fascist playbook. Instituting the necessary civic-oriented, critical-thinking courses in our schools would not be a quick fix, but it should pay dividends in years to come. It ought to be a top priority.


Schools need to be the incubator where future voters are educated in the skills needed to participate in our complex society.

John Wynne, Garden Grove


To the editor: The authors conveniently ignore that the identity politics practiced by many Democrats during the Obama years contributed to the divisiveness that led to Trump. Then, there was the four-year effort to undermine Trump’s presidency, which stimulated his pugilistic tendencies.


I think a more balanced assessment is in order.

Barry F. Chaitin, Newport Beach


To the editor: It took four years to see clearly enough the effects that Trumpism was having on the country for us to remove him. The “stable genius” didn’t see it coming because he never understood how much Americans believe in their country.

While seemingly ephemeral at first, Trumpism was emboldened by the passage of time and by the enablers and sycophants who sidled up for some great reward. Impeachment, COVID-19, governmental violence and economic disparity all conspired to make Trumpism repulsive, and because we did not cling to him as a savior, the tide turned.

As Trump’s arrogance, ignorance and boorishness were revealed, we began questioning our own role in his farce, and it was obvious enough where we were headed if we didn’t act.

Trumpism will no longer be relevant. Once a bad influence is gone, a more rational one can and will take hold.

Barbara Boozell, Palm Desert
