
Letters to the Editor: Don’t need a stimulus check? Here’s how you can help others with that money

President Trump's name was printed on stimulus checks sent out in April 2020.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: On some level I understand why Republicans in Congress chafe at dolling out more money to folks, many who absolutely do not need relief. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to parse through the population to determine who is in desperate need because of the pandemic.

So, I implore my fellow fortunate citizens, immediately upon receipt of their funds, to redirect those funds to someone they know who has fallen on tough times, or to people they do not know.

There are a variety of ways to contribute. For help to families who still have a roof over their heads but cannot afford food, donate to a local food bank; for those who are newly homeless, donate to nonprofit organizations that provide direct support; for rideshare, delivery or food service workers, tip them generously; and if you see someone at a gas station with all their worldly possessions piled in their car, offer to pay for their gas.


Be creative and generous, and encourage others to do the same.

Barbara Jackson, Cerritos


To the editor: The federal government failed to protect the country with a coordinated plan to deal with the coronavirus. Now, it is failing again.

Just how far will $600 really go? You are fortunate if you don’t have to decide whether to spend it on food, electricity, gas, rent, clothing, medicine or insurance. It’s better than nothing, but it is also so close to nothing.


For months, the Trump administration and the Republicans in Congress stalled efforts to help those to whom it owed and still owes a duty of care. Checks for $2,000 would obviously be a lot better, but for many people, that money wouldn’t last much longer than $600.

It remains obvious that until we control the spread of the coronavirus, we will be right back here in a couple of months.

Maurice M. Garcia, Newbury Park



To the editor: There is a fundamental flaw in Congress’ approach to the pandemic. It keeps looking at it as an economic crisis that can be cured with a stimulus check, much like any regular recession.

The is a national disaster, on par with a hurricane, flood or an earthquake. We don’t need “stimulus.” We need disaster relief.

I am gratefully working. I would love an extra $2,000. I don’t need it.

Give that money to the people who need relief — relief for the unemployed and under-employed, relief for the people who need money to eat and pay bills and rent, relief for small and medium-sized businesses.

Again, we do not need “stimulus.” We need disaster relief.

Gaston Hinostroza, Winnetka


To the editor: I never thought I would write a letter to The Times praising President Trump, but let’s be honest: There’s no chance we’d be talking about $2,000 checks right now if not for his last-minute blowup.

Although Republicans are correct that this money would go to people who “don’t need it” as well as to those desperate to make rent, let’s just think of this as “battle pay.” Trump said we are all in a war, and even people who still have their jobs have seen their lives uprooted in ways they never could have imagined.


Gary Davis, Los Angeles
