
Letters to the Editor: Hold back on those Biden-FDR comparisons

President Biden speaks about the COVID-19 pandemic during a prime-time national address March 11.
President Biden speaks about the COVID-19 pandemic during a prime-time national address March 11.
(Andrew Harnik / Associated Press)
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To the editor: To compare President Biden to Franklin D. Roosevelt is quite laughable. (“Biden’s early win on COVID-19 relief could be hard to repeat. Or he could be FDR,” March 10)

Biden, as you say, has been in office for a little more than 50 days. FDR served our country from March 4, 1933, to April 12, 1945, more than 12 years. So, to compare Biden’s 50-plus days in office to FDR is quite laughable.

I cannot wait for your review of Biden’s first formal news conference since being sworn in as president. I am sure you are going to compare him to JFK.


William W. deLorimier, San Gabriel


To the editor: FDR answered the call for leadership amid a crippling depression. It cannot be denied that he pulled the country out of the depths of doom.

Now, more than 80 years later, Biden steps up to the plate and in little more than 50 days has a plan for COVID-19 relief to pull us out of a crippling pandemic, something his predecessor attempted to do by denying its seriousness.


It is obvious that Biden, whether you supported his candidacy or opposed it, is the person for the task at hand. By supporting these efforts, we are going to inch our way to what we all want: vaccinations in our arms, kids back in school and a return to normal life.

This president deserves our bipartisan support.

Cassie Bryer, Los Angeles


To the editor: Shades of FDR? I hope not . Roosevelt took office in 1933, and we remained in a depression until the start of World War II.


Robert Rose, Brentwood


To the editor: The Republican Party needs to be defended against charges that it is the party of no. Republicans have said yes to tax cuts for the wealthy, limiting voting rights, insurrection and conspiracy theories designed to undermine our democracy.

When they have raised their voices in opposition, Republicans have claimed to do so to protect their constituents. Let’s look at the current stimulus.

They said no to expanding healthcare, raising children out of poverty, aid for small businesses, extending federal unemployment benefits and financial assistance to state and local government.

They said no to expanded COVID-19 testing, additional funding for vaccination, rental assistance for those in danger of eviction and assistance to schools so that students can go back to in-person learning.

The Republican Party needs to be defended, but it won’t be by me.

Fred burgess, Camarillo
