
Letters to the Editor: The GOP is acting more like a crime family than a political party

People with "Trump" flags at the U.S. Capitol.
Supporters of Donald Trump storm the U.S. Capitol as Congress tries to ratify the result of the 2020 election on Jan. 6.
(Getty Images)
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To the editor: Aside from the six Senate Republicans who voted to break their party’s filibuster against creating a bipartisan Jan. 6 commission, the others acted like members of a crime family. (“Senate Republicans block Jan. 6 commission to study Capitol insurrection,” May 28)

When their the boss asked for a personal favor (as Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly did) and they abandoned their oath of office to comply, they proved they were no longer worthy of the public trust.

I don’t understand why they are concerned about winning the next election when they have no agenda other than hanging on to former President Trump’s coattails. The only things Trump is concerned about are staying out of jail and preserving his wealth.


How does that help 330 million Americans?

June Thompson, Los Angeles


To the editor: How did we become a nation where the minority rules? The vote on the Jan. 6 commission was 54 to 35, but because of the filibuster Republicans won and were able to block passage of the bill.

In 2016, Democrat Hillary Clinton won the national popular vote by about 2.9 million, but Donald Trump became president because of the electoral college.


An overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans supported President Biden’s coronavirus relief package, but Republicans in Congress vowed to do everything possible to defeat it.

When is this going to stop? How can politicians who keep going against the majority win elections and govern against the will of the people?

We have a serious case of the tail wagging the dog, and we need to take a hard look at the filibuster and the electoral college.


Cynthia Lum, Hermosa Beach


To the editor: The necessary number of GOP senators refused to support the creation of a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection. It’s time for corporate America to step up and help save our democracy.

Recently, corporate America applied pressure on Georgia after that state passed a number of voter suppression measures. While the measures were not reversed, a strong message was sent.

Perhaps the Republicans will respond to corporate America; no one else seems to get through to them.

Todd Collart, Ventura
