
Letters to the Editor: Nithya Raman is exactly the City Council member she promised. Don’t recall her

Nithya Raman holds up her hands as she sits at a desk.
City Councilwoman Nithya Raman represents Los Angeles’ 4th District.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: Enough with the recalls. I didn’t vote for Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nithya Raman last November and do not agree with her policies, but that’s not a reason to recall her. (“She’s been at City Hall six months. Now Nithya Raman is being targeted for recall,” June 9)

Recalls were designed as a remedy to remove elected officials from office due to criminal behavior or simply not showing up for work. They are not designed to remove someone from office simply because you don’t like their policies and want a second bite at the electoral apple before the next scheduled election.

During her campaign, Raman told voters exactly who she was. She was clear about the kinds of policies and solutions she would pursue, and she won a fair election by a comfortable margin. No one can claim any surprise that she’s doing anything other than exactly what she said she would.


Those who do not like this will have their opportunity to vote her out in 2024. That’s called democracy.

Roy Forbes, Los Angeles


To the editor: I am increasingly disturbed by the desire of a minority of our state, county and now city to subvert the will of the majority by attempting to overthrow the results of democratic elections through recalls.


As a supporter of Raman, I know she is a political neophyte. That’s one of the reasons I and so many others voted for her: We want a fresh perspective on the many problems plaguing Los Angeles that have only been made worse by politics as usual. It takes time for any newly elected official to get up to speed, especially one who is stepping into this role for the first time.

That said, I am very impressed by the work that Raman and her staff have done, and I know I am not alone. I attended a Sherman Oaks Zoom with her staff where residents actually said that the office’s help on a pressing issue “restored their faith in government.”

The people who want to recall Raman are doing it because she’s doing exactly what she said she would. She told us who she is, and we voted her in.


Suju Vijayan, Sherman Oaks
