
Letters to the Editor: We must mask up indoors again. Can we protest at homes of the unvaccinated?

A rail passenger sits inside Los Angeles Union Station wearing a face mask on June 29.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I am fully vaccinated, and finally I feel free. However, that freedom is eroding because not all eligible adults are vaccinated. (“Fears that Delta variant could ‘wreak havoc’ in L.A. prompted call to wear masks indoors,” June 30)

In recommending that everyone, even vaccinated people, wear masks indoors, L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer is taking her lead from the World Health Organization.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not modified its mask guidelines for the fully vaccinated in light of the new, highly contagious Delta variant. Experts say being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 protects people from getting sickened by the Delta variant.


Ferrer’s remark, “And this is the time for vaccinated people to give, I think, and protect others,” is woefully misleading. Ferrer’s vaccine campaign is not convincing the holdouts, and she is asking more from the vaccinated to get her job done.

Laura Fisk, Los Angeles


To the editor: So now we are being told to wear masks again. But instead of being mandated by a government trying to keep its people safe, the oppressing force is our unvaccinated neighbors.


Can we stage protests in front of their homes? They need to know that their ignorance is trampling on our freedoms.

Paula Goldman, Santa Monica


To the editor: As someone who got the vaccine as soon as it was available, I feel like I am slowly coming back into a world where I don’t have to fear every encounter with another human being — even the people I know who have not been vaccinated because “it really hasn’t been totally proved effective and it could cause blood clots.”


Now, I read about the dangers of the Delta variant, which could give rise to mutations in the unvaccinated to the point at which vaccines are much less effective.

I believe it was Franklin D. Roosevelt who said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Antonia Smolen, Laguna Niguel
