
Thousands gather in downtown L.A. in support of DACA

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Sept. 5, 2017, 6:46 p.m.

Thousands gather in downtown L.A. in support of DACA

Thousands filled Placita Olvera in downtown Los Angeles with their babies, their students, their loved ones and friends, all in protest of President Trump’s decision Tuesday to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

They began to gather before 5 p.m., leading chants including, “We are the immigrants, mighty might immigrants” and a protest favorite, “El pueblo unido jamás será vencido” (The people united will never be defeated).

By 5:50 p.m., the speeches began but were difficult to hear. That didn’t stop the masses from cheering and holding up their signs.

“Somebody’s got the video on Twitter. We’ll see it later,” Los Angeles Leadership Academy history teacher Peta Lindsay told Bryan Peña, an 18-year-old DACA recipient and freshman at Cal State L.A.

When Peña got to the protest, he was reminded that relative to undocumented students in other states, he has some support in California.

“This is a sign ... that we’re welcome here,” he said, pointing to the crowd and their signs with messages like “Protect immigrant families!” and “Let my students dream.”

But outside of California, it’s a different story, he said.

“I’m still not accepted in the USA.”

Shortly after 6 p.m., protesters began their march along Alameda Street toward the federal building.

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