
Politics Now team discusses tight poll and Todd Akin


The race for the White House remains locked where it has been since the spring -- with President Obama holding the barest of leads over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. A new USC Annenberg/Los Angeles Times poll on Politics and the Press confirms this -- with Obama leading 48% to 46% among likely voters.

Los Angeles Times political writer Mark Z. Barabak and Times/Tribune Washington bureau chief David Lauter will convene here at 3 p.m. PDT with Politics Now host Jim Rainey to talk about the prospects for change in campaign 2012.

Can Romney expect to get much of a bounce out of the Republican National Convention, set to begin Monday in Tampa, Fla.? What does the Republican team need to do in Florida to help Romney connect with voters, who continue to be more attracted to Obama?


The two sides have been locked since Sunday in a furious debate over abortion. The issue that had been off the political radar for much of the campaign but reemerged with a vengeance after Rep. Todd Akin, candidate for the U.S. Senate from Missouri, voiced his controversial views about “legitimate rape” and how women’s bodies can fend off pregnancies they don’t want.

We will talk about the significance of the Akin blunder and whether it reflects at all on the Republican’s national ticket. How many voters will even remember the six-term congressman by the time it comes to vote Nov. 6?

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