
More than 65 million watched second presidential debate

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WASHINGTON — So much for political fatigue.

Television viewers appeared hungry to watch the second matchup between President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney, with an estimated 65.6 million people tuning in to watch Tuesday night’s debate between the two men at Hofstra University, according to Nielsen.

That was just a 2% dip from the 67.2 million who watched the first debate on Oct. 3.

The biggest drop-off was among television viewers ages 18 to 34, with 837,000 fewer tuning into the second debate, according to Nielsen. But the ratings do not take into account online streaming.

The third and final matchup between Obama and Romney is just around the corner. The candidates are scheduled to take the stage at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., on Monday in a foreign policy-focused debate moderated by CBS’ Bob Schieffer.


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