
Boston mayor likes his city’s 2024 Olympic chances

Choreographer Daniel Ezralow walks through Sochi Olympic Village on Feb. 8. Boston's mayor says his city stands a good chance to capture the 2024 Summer Olympics bid.
Choreographer Daniel Ezralow walks through Sochi Olympic Village on Feb. 8. Boston’s mayor says his city stands a good chance to capture the 2024 Summer Olympics bid.
(Sergei Loiko/Los Angeles Times)
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The mayor of Boston likes his city’s chances at being selected as the American candidate to host the 2024 Summer Olympics.

The U.S. Olympic Committee is considering four finalists -- including Los Angeles -- and could make a decision early next year.

“It’s a very interesting idea, a very interesting proposal,” Mayor Martin Walsh told WGBH radio. “I think Boston’s in a very good position.”


The other finalists are San Francisco and Washington. The USOC met with representatives from the potential candidates last week in Colorado Springs, Colo. Walsh said much of the talk focused on presenting an international bid.

Given that the U.S. has fallen short in two previous attempts to host the Games, the USOC has not yet committed to putting forth a candidate. The International Olympic Committee is expected to select the winner in 2017.

Though Walsh sounded optimistic, he stressed that it will be important to garner widespread support.


“We still have a lot of work to do,” he said. “And we still have to talk to the public.”

The mayor added: “I’m not going to mortgage the future of the city of Boston for an Olympic bid.”
