
Beaches where you’re likely to spot celebrities

Aerial view of famous Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
(marchello / Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The Daily Meal

It may not be true that stars really are just like us, but one of the things they do have in common with the general populace is their love for the beach. No matter who you are or where you come from, going to the beach is the ultimate way to relax - stretching out with a good book or a great beer on a towel or a chair as you take in the salty sea air and nice breeze. Beaches can offer great food, sweet waves, or even just a romantic getaway. That’s why when many movie stars, socialites, royalty, and rich entrepreneurs finally take a vacation from their hectic schedules, they tend to hit the beach.

Beaches Where You’re Likely to Spot Celebrities Gallery

The best in their field often tend to hit the best beaches, but many times celebrities will also opt for beach spots away from tourist crowds and - even more importantly - the paparazzi. Thanks to their hefty salaries (or sometimes inheritances), the rich and famous can afford to find seclusion in the sun and sand in places as far-flung as France, Phuket, or even Australia. Many celebrity-frequented beaches, of course, lie in California, and the Caribbean also has certain spots that are rising destinations among the wealthy. If you’re looking to bathe in some stardom as well as the sun, these are the beaches where you’re likely to spot some celebrities.


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