
From the Archives: Orioles vs. umpire

July 11, 1976: Baltimore Orioles line up to voice their opinions to umpire Al Clark, right, after Clark threw Tommy Harper, left, out of a game at Angel Stadium in Anaheim.
July 11, 1976: Baltimore Orioles line up to voice their opinions to umpire Al Clark, right, after Clark threw Tommy Harper, left, out of a game at Angel Stadium in Anaheim.
(Joe Kennedy / Los Angeles Times)

Orioles manager Earl Weaver holds back player Tommy Harper and coach Jim Frey while protesting call by umpire Al Clark.. They were irate after Clark threw Harper out of the game at Angel Stadium in Anaheim. Clark claimed Harper bumped him while protesting after being called out on a pick-off play at first base.

The Angels’ pitcher, Nolan Ryan, struck out 12 Orioles, but the Angels lost 3-1.

This image, by staff photographer Joe Kennedy, appeared in the July 12, 1976, Los Angeles Times.

This post was originally published on April 26, 2016.

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