
Signs of concussion

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Concussions can have many symptoms, and they’re not always obvious, says Dr. Tracy Zaslow of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Here are some of the symptoms, which might show up immediately after an injury but also might appear in hours or even days.

• Feeling dazed, dizzy or confused

• Forgetting what happened around the time of the injury

• Headache

• Nausea or vomiting

• Sensitivity to light or noise

• Change in vision or hearing

• Trouble concentrating, difficulty remembering, slowed thinking

• Irritability, sadness or anxiety

• Losing consciousness

Even one or two of these symptoms, if occurring around sports practice, games or casual play, should raise the question of a potential concussion. If there’s concern that a person has a concussion, it’s important to contact a doctor, Zaslow says.
