
Opinion: Send design for art district project back to drawing board

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To the editor: I can’t decide if the so-called 6AM project most closely resembles my computer motherboard or the infamous Cabrini-Green public housing projects in Chicago (which didn’t work so well).

(Re “Arts District going up,” Business, Sept. 24)

I think some green space, with more separation between apartments facing each other on meandering pedestrian walks, would surely improve this boring, boxy plan.


Denny Haythorn, Los Angeles


To the editor: I was interested to read about the new towering development known as “6AM.” It’s described as exciting, bold and innovative.

It looks like 1,736 new residences will be built there, if this project comes to fruition.

Meanwhile, the electronic freeway signs warn us of “Extreme drought conditions. Limit outside watering.”


My question: What about the water for this project? These skyscraper units may not have much landscaping, but they will have toilets, sinks and showers, right? Where will all of this water come from?

I would hope the developer is required to address this issue when applying for a permit. Yes, we all must make sacrifices in water conservation, but shouldn’t the city also be planning for the eventuality of less water all around?

Peter Marquard, Northridge


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