
Opinion: SoCal smothers under worst spell of smog in years

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To the editor: Although the number of gun-related deaths in our country is tragic and our elected officials’ lack of response is shameful, that number pales in comparison with the prolonged illnesses and deaths that result from air pollution. ( “Southland smothers in worst smog in 7 years,” Aug. 12, and “Why California needs a carbon tax, “ Opinion, Aug. 10)

Numbers wise, the real killers are the oil, coal and gas companies that keep the majority of Americans hooked on their dangerous products and the politicians who stand by and do nothing.

Kelly Richard Olsen, Santa Monica



To the editor: Although stricter air quality standards would probably help to prevent unnecessary deaths, what would work to scrub our air more directly and effectively would be the widespread adoption of electric cars.

Fully electric vehicles, in addition to not having tailpipes, are several times more efficient than gas-powered vehicles. This efficiency translates directly into much less air pollution.

Giving up the fossil fuel addiction — and those inconvenient, expensive trips to the gas station — for plugging in at home or work is a pure pleasure.


Linda Nicholes, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Every day, thousands of gas-powered leaf blowers are committing environmental atrocities around the Southland.

Each homeowner who switches to electric takes hundreds of cars off the road. Better to drive a gas engine car and use an electric leaf blower, than vice versa.


Scott Mandell, Studio City

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