
Readers React: Is voter fatigue behind dismal turnout in California?

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To the editor: Turnout is decreasing because voters believe that their interests are not being represented and because the electoral process is too complex. (“L.A.’s low voter numbers push state officials toward easing process,” March 14)

Campaigns financed by special interest groups mean politicians represent their benefactors more than their constituents. Publicly financed campaigns would eliminate this conflict of interest.

There are too many ballot initiatives that are far too complex and difficult to understand for the average voter. Initiatives should be clearly stated and limited to one issue.


It appears that special interests, and not always the voters, control the “legislation by initiative” process. I propose that we create an indirect initiative process in California whereby the proposed initiatives are presented to the Legislature for a vote, and, if not enacted, are put on the ballot.

Susan Sayre, Irvine


To the editor: Why do state lawmakers believe the answer to increased participation in the voting process is to “make it easier for people to vote”? Pop-up polling stations at shopping malls and massive expansion of vote-by-mail balloting will drain resources from where they are desperately needed.


The truth is, people make the effort to do something when they truly believe it is important to them. This can be achieved by launching programs in our schools to include voting in civics education.

The result will be future voters who will embrace the right and responsibility to cast ballots in all elections. Perhaps students will, in turn, encourage their parents to vote. In no time, we’ll begin seeing increased voter turnout that will be real and ongoing.

Mitchell Lane, Shadow Hills



To the editor: We have the solution for low turnout already, and we needn’t spend millions catering to unmotivated people.

We have absentee ballots. I receive one every time, whether I want it or not. Of course, one does have to fill it out and place stamps on it. Also, you need to sign it and place it in any mailbox or give it directly to a postal worker.

Unless you have a physical ailment that prevents doing this, one can only blame laziness.

Kay Dwyhalo, Moorpark

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