
Readers React: The state knew disaster awaited the Salton Sea in 2018 and didn’t do enough. That has to change

Refuge official Andre Bledsoe, left, and veterinarian and naturalist Tom Anderson at the Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge.
(Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: The Salton Sea is a natural wonder in deep trouble. And for the past 10-plus years, state officials have known this problem would grow worse if action was not taken by 2018.

So while the Imperial Irrigation District honored its legal commitment to pour water into the shrinking Salton Sea until 2018, the state has backed away from its responsibility for funding for remediation. Now the water has stopped and more and more of the sea’s toxin-laden shoreline is being exposed.

There are solutions. First and foremost, the state Legislature must commit funding, lest it wants to create another Owens Valley. Next, the Imperial Irrigation District must use competent legal and administrative assistance. No more hiring of a son-in-law or distant cousin to go up against the skilled and crafty water managers at the Metropolitan Water District, in San Diego or at the state.


Finally, all parties must work together to increase water storage, which is the only way to assure a viable Salton Sea as well as a healthy and prosperous California.

Christle Balvin, Pasadena

The writer has served as a consultant for water districts and has worked in the Imperial Valley.



To the editor: This article vividly illustrates California’s water problems. Increasing population along with a protracted drought are the main culprits.

At some point, Californians are going to have to reexamine their attitudes and policies on the use of recycled water for direct potable use if we are ever going to be able to adequately address our state’s water issues.

Mark S. Dymally, Los Angeles


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