


The City Council, Board of Education and Lynwood Teachers’ Assn. Representative Council unanimously have approved resolutions denouncing the apartheid policies of South Africa.

The resolutions will be submitted jointly to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and joint telegrams of support have been sent to Walter E. Fauntroy, the District of Columbia’s non-voting delegate to Congress and an activist in anti-apartheid protests.

The groups also have sent a telegram to the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C., expressing a “wholesale condemnation of apartheid policies,” said teachers’ association vice president Paul Du Nard.


The teacher’s council decided to act on the issue of apartheid because “what’s going on in South Africa is such an affront to anybody who holds democratic values,” Du Nard said.

Mayor Pro Tem Robert Henning said he convinced the council to vote for an anti-apartheid resolution in support of the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s crusade against South Africa.

The South African government “is depriving a lot of people of their basic human rights,” Henning said. “If you’re going to be a leader, then you should take a leadership role.”

In a second resolution, Henning said, the council deplored the mass starvation in Ethiopia and criticized the Ethiopian government for allowing it to happen. That resolution also has been sent to the Board of Supervisors, he said.
