
ABC’s “Consenting Adult” was one of television’s...

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ABC’s “Consenting Adult” was one of television’s finest hours. Marlo Thomas and Barry Tubb gave outstanding performances.

Mark R. Collins, Newport Beach

KTLA deserves praise for the intelligence and restraint demonstrated in its editing of “Quest for Fire.” It is refreshing to see a fine film presented in prime time without capricious condensation or gutting by a timid censor. The few cuts KTLA made were understandable and deftly handled. This much respect for a film and an audience is all too rare in the skittish world of commercial television.

Gordon Y. Tanaka, Cypress

I’ve seen poor editing on television before, but nothing compares with Channel 5’s butcher job on “Quest for Fire.” The music was moderately entertaining, but why cut out all of the movie’s dialogue?! I’ve heard of cutting music from musicals, but never this.


Mark Young, North Hollywood

I want to thank Channel 9 for repeating “Rich Man, Poor Man.” It distressed me, however, that the station excised the scene of Axel Jordache (Ed Asner) rowing out into the storm. It was the most poignant moment of the miniseries.

Rudolph Ramirez, Torrance

Many thanks to Channel 11 for “Here’s Television Entertainment.” My husband and I both enjoyed every minute of it, including the refreshing lack of tedious commercials.

Sally H. Goch, Canoga Park

I often find that a television special about children or teen-agers is aired at a time when few are able to watch it. Usually, these two-hour programs are aired at 9 o’clock, a time when many children go to sleep. If these children or teen-agers do watch the program, they have to miss part of it or they lose sleep by staying up to watch it. If a network is going to broadcast a program that children would want to see, it should have some consideration for the audience and air the show at an earlier time. Until then, programs like “Adam,” “Something Like Amelia” and “Not My Kid” will be missed by many who feel that sleep is more important.


Joanna R. Pearlstein, 14, Santa Monica

My heartfelt gratitude to Channel 28 and PBS as a whole for bringing us yet another excellent science-fiction production, “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank.” Just as they did with “Lathe of Heaven” a few years ago, the people at PBS have given us science fiction with ideas, intelligence, three-dimensional characters and a great deal to reflect on.

Sam Frank, Van Nuys

Kudos to Channel 9 for showing reruns of “Lou Grant.” It’s a welcome oasis among the current crop of sex and mayhem being shown of cops and robbers, private eyes and soaps. The superb cast and humanistic subject matter of “Lou Grant” emphasizes the void that was created when the series was dropped.

Carl M. Levin, Los Angeles

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