
Fred P. Van Horst is the new...

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Fred P. Van Horst is the new director of maintenance and operations at Compton Community College, replacing Conrad Salazar, who resigned in January after 30 years of service.

The Los Cerritos/Long Beach YMCA sent 11 Bellflower students to the California Model Legislature/Court in Sacramento. Participating were Jessica Duke, Ken Gear, Melinda Gutierrez, Al Martinez, Dave Matthews, Jonathan Qualls, Tim Robbins, Marie Snead, Ulla Sorensen, Larry Spangelo and Carrie Tigner.

Rockwell International Corp. named Howard L. Myers, an engineer at the Space Station Systems Division in Downey, its Engineer of the Year.


Mara Clisby, principal of Artesia High School in Lakewood, has been selected to serve on a committee that will help the U.S. Department of Education choose the nation’s outstanding high schools for 1985.

Clisby will review state nominations of about 500 high schools from across the country. The committee will recommend about 200 schools and the winners will be announced in June.

Artesia was one of 202 public schools selected by the Department of Education as outstanding for 1983.


Paramount schools Supt. Richard B. Caldwell and the Rev. Stan Vugteveen of the Emmanuel Reformed Church received honorary service awards from the Paramount Council PTA for work with children and the community.

Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital in Whittier has appointed Dr. Robert M. Irwin medical staff president for 1985.

The Eldorado Charter Chapter of the American Business Women’s Assn. selected Connie Fletcher as Woman of the Year for achievement in business, education and community activities.
