
HBO Shuffles Its L.A.-Based Management

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Home Box Office Inc. shuffled its Los Angeles-based management staff Tuesday following the resignation last week of Donald March as senior vice president of the pay-TV firm’s Premiere Films division.

Named to replace March was Rick Bieber, a seven-year HBO executive who moves up from vice president for business affairs and acquisitions of the made-for-pay-TV movies department. Also moving is Iris Dugow, formerly senior vice president for original programs and now senior vice president in charge of production of made-for-pay-TV motion pictures. HBO said that a replacement for Dugow in the original programs department will be named shortly.

Others shifting jobs at HBO include William Kerstetter, named West Coast vice president for business affairs overseeing Premiere Films, original programs and HBO Pictures Inc., and Eugene Kelly, named vice president for programming operations. Kelly previously was vice president and assistant controller of HBO’s West Coast operations.
