
Desserts Rich in Vitamins : Nutritious Ways to Please Sweet Tooth

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If your family’s sweet tooth is at odds with its nutrient and calorie needs, why not prepare a nutritious dessert to round out the diet.

“Plan desserts using one or more foods from the four food groups--milk, meat, vegetables and fruits, or breads and cereals--as a main ingredient,” says Susan Magrann, registered dietitian and consulting nutritionist for the Dairy Council of California.

Sources of Calcium and Protein

“For example, custard and bread or rice puddings, all of which have milk as the main ingredient, are rich in calcium and protein. These desserts make good use of leftover rice and bread and can be microwaved in a matter of minutes.


“Or concentrate on fruits for Vitamin C and fiber and fix a baked apple, filled with raisins and covered with a little orange juice, cinnamon and a teaspoon of butter. Take advantage of your microwave to shorten the cooking time,” Magrann says.

A fresh-fruit parfait layering pineapple, bananas and strawberries with yogurt is another refreshing way to add calcium and Vitamin C to a family’s nutrient needs. Top with granola or coconut for added crunch, Magrann suggests.

Traditional European Dessert

“Try fruit, crackers and cheese, a popular European dessert tradition, for a quick, easy and nutritious ending to a meal,” Magrann says.


“Your own favorite recipes can be made more nutritious and lower in calories by using low-fat or nonfat milk, whole-grain cereals or flour, and by reducing the amount of sugar. Oatmeal-raisin cookies and pumpkin pie are delicious family favorites that supply vitamins and fiber, too. Remember, desserts don’t have to be full of empty calories if you limit sugar and fat and include nutritious foods from the four food groups,” Magrann says.
