
Running Red Lights Is Far Too Common in L.A.


I thoroughly agree with T.E. Nichols (Letters, March 20) in regard to running red lights. I feel the situation is becoming quite dangerous.

You can take almost any intersection in town with a red light, but for instance take the intersection of Melrose and Normandie, which has often in the past been considered one of the most accident-prone intersections in the city. You can stand on that corner any time of the day or night and at any change of the light you will see from one to four cars pass through the light after it has definitely turned red.

It has come to the point that you do not dare start up the car to go through a green light until you definitely have seen all of the cars in the intersecting lanes come to a complete stop, which is invariably after several cars have already run the light and even then you are not sure someone is not coming up in the curb lane and without even slowing down go through the light around the corner through the red light.


On this same corner, for at least the past five years, I have not even seen a police officer doing anything, let alone see anyone given a ticket for running the light. Nor during that same time have I seen any police officer give a ticket for the running of a stop light. It appears that no one has any fear of running a stop light, the only consequence being an accident not a citation, and it is becoming far, far too common a violation.


Los Angeles
