
Bomb Damages Parked Police Car in Sun Valley

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Times Staff Writer

A Los Angeles Police Department patrol car was slightly damaged by a homemade bomb in Sun Valley Tuesday night while two police officers were at a meeting to discuss crime problems in the neighborhood.

No one was injured in the blast and police had no suspects, according to Detective Michael Strong.

Strong said two officers from the police department’s Foothill Division had used the car to drive to a meeting with a Neighborhood Watch group at a 17-unit apartment complex at 9120 Telfair Ave. The meeting had been called because of residents’ complaints about a series of robberies and burglaries in the area, he said.


About 8:15 p.m., the officers heard a “loud explosion” outside, Strong said. They rushed out and discovered that an “improvised explosive device” placed on top of their car had exploded, denting and scorching the roof but not damaging the inside of the vehicle, he said.

About 10 police cars and police bomb unit investigators quickly went to the scene.

Several area residents said that, when they went outside to investigate the noise, they saw a car drive by and heard an occupant shout, “We’ll be back.”

Strong, who was among those investigating the incident, said the police officers did not hear the remark.


“A lot of people here have been robbed three or four times and everyone here is nervous,” one resident said.
