
School Nurse Issue

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I read with interest of the accounting firm of Deloitte, Haskins and Sells’ proposal to replace 50% of the San Diego Unified School District’s professional registered nurses with health aides and licensed vocational nurses. While I recognize that cost containment is an urgent priority, I wonder how a proposal to replace half of all teachers with aides and assistants who have had, at most, two years of instruction at a junior college would be received.

Professional school nurses, like teachers, receive special training that prepares them to recognize and meet the health needs of our children. Certification and licensure protect the public by ensuring an acceptable level of competence, whether in teachers, nurses or accountants. Replacing professional R.N.s with lesser-trained personnel removes this protection.

Professional school nurses have accomplished a great deal in making our schools healthier places. In addition to frequently being the first to detect orthopedic, visual and hearing problems, they are now charged with helping the child afflicted with a chronic disease, such as leukemia, continue to attend school. Finally, by keeping children in school, professional school nurses actually produce revenue that would otherwise be lost through absence. Their contributions have been, and will continue to be, valuable. I hope the school board will recognize their accomplishments and, rather than reducing their number, will give them the praise they deserve.



San Diego
