
Historic Volcanic Eruptions Listed

From Associated Press

Here is a list of some of the major volcanic eruptions through history:

--AD 79, Vesuvius, southern Italy, death toll unknown, Pompeii and two other towns buried.

--1669, Mt. Etna, Sicily, about 20,000 killed.

--1792, Unzen-dake, Japan, 10,452 dead from eruption and mudslides.

--1793, Laki, Iceland, 10,000 killed, including victims of ensuing famine and epidemics.

--1815, Tamboro in the East Indies, 12,000 killed; 80,000 died in ensuing famine.

--1883, Krakatoa, Indonesia, 36,000 killed from volcano and ensuing tidal wave.

--1902, Mt. Pele, Martinique, 29,000 killed.

--1902, Kelud, Java, 5,100 killed by ensuing mudslides.

Major eruptions in recent years:

--Jan. 21, 1951, Mt. Lamington, New Guinea, 4,000 people killed.

--Dec. 4, 1951, Mt. Hibok on Camiguin Island, Philippines, 475 killed.

--March 20, 1963, Agung, Bali, about 2,000 killed.

--May 18, 1980, Mt. St. Helens, Washington, 57 killed.
