
Gov. Deukmejian and His Beagles


Gov. George Deukmejian may certainly be risking his popularity and several votes in his next term from many Labrador dog owners because of his recent comment that “he prefers his three Beagles to a Labrador.” Like President Johnson, who reprimanded and committed the crime of holding his two Beagles by the ears on the front page of the The Times during his term, there will certainly be criticism!

As an owner of a fine, intelligent Labrador, I disliked the governor’s remark!

Recently, I took the time to look up the definition of a Beagle, who was at one time considered the “All American Dog.” In Simon and Schuster’s “Guide to Dogs,” the Beagle is described as being cheerful, tranquil and pleasing with a (get this?) harmonious voice.

Yes, a Beagle is happy. But extremely stubborn. He is affectionate (when he wants to be). He can tear around and destroy an average yard in three minutes, dig under a fence and be gone quicker than a cat’s wink. But never fear loss, because you can locate him within a mile by his continuous howl (or baying).


I ought to know! My second dog is a Beagle, with the typical American name of “Snoopy.”


