


I was saddened when I read your editorial (March 14) on the phasing out of Popsicle’s two-stick variety.

I have many happy memories of summers in my childhood when my younger sister and I indulged ourselves in the icy fruit flavors of two-stick Popsicles.

Whenever the thermometer went past 80 degrees we raced to the freezer and fought over who would get the last orange one. Eventually one of us would give in and we would take long licks until the cool liquid started to melt down our hands. Then we would be forced to start taking bites and usually we had a contest to see who could eat the whole Popsicle without breaking it in half.


The two sticks really came in handy when there was only one Popsicle left. Then all we had to do was cut it in half and we each had a piece. However, now because of Popsicle’s decision to try to make their product less messy, future kids won’t have the opportunity to learn the fine art of two-stick Popsicle-eating.

After all these years Popsicle should know that kids are naturally messy and taking a stick out of their Popsicles isn’t going to change that. What will change is the amount of fun in eating a Popsicle. Hopefully, another brand will come out with a two-stick variety to placate kids and we die-hard two-stick lovers.


Los Angeles
