
Visiting Canada’s Expo on a Budget

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<i> Izon is a Canadian travel journalist covering youth budget routes. </i>

How can you increase your travel budget by more than 30%, investigate the technology of 45 cultures and not have to worry about the expense of traveling overseas? Consider Canada this summer.

The exchange rate is excellent and along with terrific opportunities for those who enjoy the great outdoors, Western Canada will be featuring the international exposition.

From May 2 to Oct. 13, Vancouver will host millions of visitors to Expo 86. Young travelers on tight budgets will find low-cost lodging limited, not only because of Expo visitors but because rooms are needed to house the many bilingual students hired to work at Expo.


If you plan to visit Vancouver this summer, reserve lodging in advance. Here are some economical options (all prices are in Canadian dollars):

Hostel Accommodations

The Vancouver International Youth Hostel will accept reservations for dormitory-style men’s and women’s lodging for $8 for members of the International Youth Hostel Federation and $10 for non-members. The hostel is at 1515 Discovery St., Jericho Park, Vancouver, B.C. V6R 4K5. Phone (604) 224-3208.

To make a reservation, send a check or money order for the full amount plus the names of all persons included, their addresses and hostel membership numbers, and the dates of arrival and departure. You can stay at the hostel for three consecutive nights only, then leave for at least three days before you can return.


The River Park Hostel will be set up at a three-acre RV site. Write for reservations to 2175 B West 4th St., Vancouver V6K 1N7. There are no restrictions on age for membership but the facility will be geared to accommodating students from junior high through university. It offers 240 two-bedded rooms, for $22 per person per night. Camp counselors will arrange entertainment and there will be a restaurant on site. A shuttle bus will transport guests to the sky train, which goes to the Expo site. For reservations write or phone Sport Tours at (604) 732-7622.

Inexpensive Alternatives

A reservation service, ResWest, can help with advance arrangements in a variety of facilities, including student residences and guest houses. A $5 fee covers the cost of all arrangements.

During the summer university holiday period, rooms at the University of British Columbia booked through ResWest will cost $29 per person. A cheaper arrangement is a guest house through the Host the World program, but this is intended for families and is only available after commercial space has been sold. Under the program, if available, you reserve through ResWest and pay in advance for a guaranteed room for two persons for $35 per night. ResWest’s phone is (604) 662-3300.


For free information write to Expo Info, P.O. Box 24-1986, Seattle, Wash. 98124-1986 or call (604) 660-EXPO.

Via Rail continues to offer discounted, unlimited-travel train tickets for persons aged 12-24 this year. But before you buy a Youth Canrailpass, compare the cost of point-to-point fares to stops you want to make.

Railway Rates

The following rates apply June 15 to Sept. 15. Rates are slightly less expensive before and after this period.

There are four types of tickets. A System pass can be used all across the country--the 22-day version costs $324, the 30-day version is $351. The Eastern pass is valid for travel between Winnipeg and all points east--15 days costs $205 and 22 days is $238; the Western pass for Winnipeg and all points west is 15 days for $200 and 22 days for $221. A Corridor pass for travel between Quebec City and Windsor-Sarnia costs $97 for 8 days or $124 for 15 days.

With a Youth Canrailpass you can take your bike along at no extra charge but must put it in a special bike box which is sold at major stations for $5. You can get VIA Rail information by calling (800) 665-0200.

Assistance with low-cost touring in Western Canada is given by the Alberta Youth Hostel Assn. They offer several tours for travelers who want to “do-it-yourself” or join a group.


Bike and Raft Options

The “do-it-yourself” trips range from four-night visits to Edmonton or Calgary for $85, to 14-day hotel/car tours through the Rockies to Expo 86 for $545 per person, two sharing.

Another option is to join a group to raft, canoe, hike, trail ride or cycle. For example, on July 7 or 28 you could start a five-day Banff and Jasper cycling tour. Cost of $245 per person includes transportation from Calgary to Jasper, one night in the Calgary Hostel, four nights’ accommodations on the tour, an experienced guide and all meals other than in Banff and Jasper. You must supply the bike but they can help you make rental arrangements.

For further information on summer programs, contact Alberta Hosteling Assn., c/o Western Canadian Travel Consultants, Box 96, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada T4N 5E7. Phone (403) 340-0292.
