
Hike in County Traffic Fines Clears Senate

From a Times Staff Writer

A bill that would increase traffic and parking fines in Orange County to raise money for new courthouse construction passed the Senate, 25 to 3, Thursday and was sent to the Assembly.

The measure, by state Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach), could raise $5 million annually for new courthouse buildings by tacking an extra $1.50 onto each parking fine and a penalty assessment of $1 for each $10 in fines for other traffic offenses.

A typical $30 first-offense ticket for running a red light--which now actually costs $52 because of previously imposed assessments for police training, victim assistance programs and another court expansion program--would rise to $55 if the bill is enacted.


The Legislature passed similar measures for San Diego and Santa Clara counties last year.

Orange County officials say a Superior Court building and a new Juvenile Court facility are needed.
