
‘Road Hogs’ on U.S. 395

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I feel quite concerned about the serious bus accident on U.S. 395 along the Walker River recently.

I, too, drive charter buses and my own personal car on this stretch of road. I have 1.6 million miles of commercial accident-free driving and wish to share a thought with all who use that stretch of road.

A serious problem exists when people driving campers and pulling trailers go as much as 20 m.p.h. below posted speeds and back up as many as 30 vehicles behind them in some stretches of the road.


Later, they accelerate to speeds above the 60 m.p.h. range, causing others to become angered at worst, and no driver can pass. This occurs on the passing stretches. There are about three of these passing areas.

The California Highway Patrol and Mono County sheriff units often will sit at the end or beginning of these stretches to fill out reports as their radios work better in these locations.

By copy of this letter, I am requesting all who don’t let others pass to stop violating this law and show respect for other motorists. I have just seen too many near accidents and wonder if this recent tragedy was partially caused by a motorist not allowing another to pass.


Beware, “road hogs,” from now on, if I can safely pull over, I will “feed you to the bears” when ever we are on this road.


Santa Barbara
