
Fountain Valley : Officer Named Liaison for Community Groups

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Police Officer Kim Kiesz has been named Fountain Valley’s new crime-prevention officer, responsible for coordinating neighborhood watch groups and a range of community and youth services.

Sgt. Larry Griswold said Kiesz will act as a liaison with existing neighborhood watch and other volunteer groups, as well as handle victim-witness assistance programs and services for youths and senior citizens.

Creation of the new post, supported by a state grant, was part of new Police Chief Elvin G. Miali’s increased emphasis on community awareness and crime prevention programs targeted at youths and area businesses.


Kiesz’s duties also may be expanded to include child abuse awareness and domestic violence referrals, Griswold said.

A three-year member of the department, Kiesz recently was awarded special commendations for her work with neighborhood watch and child abuse awareness programs. For information on available community service programs, call 965-4400.
