
Los Angeles Redistricting

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The despicable actions of the majority of our City Council members overriding Mayor Tom Bradley’s veto of the Woo-Ferraro redistricting plan has served to complete their subversion of the democratic process.

As a representative of my neighborhood group who has been involved with this politically motivated abomination from the beginning, these actions confirm the total lack of integrity of those officials we’ve entrusted with power.

The overwhelming opposition displayed by the hundreds of Valley residents who believed in the democratic process, and who Councilman Alatorre dismissed as an insignificant protest group, has been reminded that the majority of our Los Angeles City Council represent no one’s interests but their very own.


It’s also sad to note that these self-serving interests were reflected in Mayor Bradley’s veto when he did not follow this action with any efforts to gain council support, and thereby nullifying the value of his veto.

While the residents of the San Fernando Valley will be the temporary victims of this political rape, we will not soon forget each of the 11 members of the City Council who so blatantly molested our communities. We will continue this battle through the initiative process and ballot box and restore the democratic process back where it belongs--with the people!


Van Nuys

Campbell is president of Tract 15101 Neighborhood Assn.
