
Grounds Crew Has All-Nighter, Patches Up Shea Stadium Field

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United Press International

The grounds crew of the New York Mets worked through the night to repair the damage inflicted to the Shea Stadium field by fans celebrating Wednesday night’s division-clinching victory.

Thousands of souvenir-hunting celebrants stripped large patches of grass from the infield and outfield, causing an estimated $5,000 in damages. Two arrests were reported.

The 20-man grounds crew began repairing the field as the last fans were were being ushered from the stadium by police. The work was completed just before the start of Thursday’s game against Chicago.


With the new sod in place, the field resembles a patchwork quilt.

“We’re not happy about the destruction,” Met General Manager Frank Cashen said. “We were hoping fans would come to celebrate, not destroy.”

The biggest question concerning the playing surface is how quickly the new grass will take root.

“We’re now left with a field that is not 100% for our upcoming championship season,” Cashen said.


The Mets potentially face two more destructive binges should they win at home in the National League playoffs and the World Series.

Cashen refused to speculate on what other security measures may be taken to keep fans in the stands.
