
The Jerk and Other Driving Peeves

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Have you tried making your way outbound on the Pasadena Freeway, through the tunnels, and then to the Golden State Freeway northbound during the evening rush hour? Well, pop a couple of tranquilizers, get in line in the left lane and inch your way forward while the other lanes move.

Ride the bumper of the car in front of you as someone will cut in front of you if you leave a safe and reasonable distance. As you get into the tunnels you’ll see car after car cut in front, causing everyone to come to a screeching halt! If you don’t let them in they cuss and gesticulate in universal sign language and stop the traffic in the second lane also!

But wait! Just as you are finally through the last tunnel and turning onto the transition to the Golden State, you look to your right and some Jerk is coming around from the second lane with you into a one-lane roadway! A look at the wall shows the marks of the unsuccessful ones who didn’t make it. If they didn’t involve anyone else they get what they deserve, but, you know that is not how it usually goes.


These same inconsiderate Jerks wouldn’t dare do the same thing in the checkout line at Vons or Ralphs, as they don’t have the easy means of escape and anonymity.

Why not install those rubber divider posts between the first and second lanes, starting back at the tunnel entrance and put up signs outlawing lane changes in the tunnel, etc. This would speed up traffic through the tunnels and eliminate the problem.


