


Hunter Thompson’s minions are in town, trying to drum up interest in a movie/videocassette/TV project from the world’s best-known gonzo journalist.

“A hipster’s ’60 Minutes,’ ” is how producer Ross Milloy refers to the proposed documentary-like program that he and pal Thompson tentatively call “Hunter Thompson on Patrol.” “Or a sort of non-fiction version of ‘Saturday Night Live.’ ”

Their plan is for a major studio to release “Thompson on Patrol” as a film, then a video-cassette, and finally, to have it televised in half-hour segments.


Examples of Thompson’s participatory journalism as envisioned by him and Milloy, a journalist-turned-film producer: “We want to go down to Haiti and Hunter wants to become a zombie master,” Milloy revealed. “Now who would not be interested in watching that?”

Other possible segments: Thompson behind the scenes at San Francisco’s O’Farrell Theater, a porn house that he’s managing in preparation for an upcoming Playboy magazine article; on the set of “Miami Vice” with pal Don Johnson; interviewing survivalists; and marlin-fishing off Hawaii.

KCET already has passed on the TV version. But Kate Coe, an associate producer who claims to “handle all gonzo contacts that come in,” suggested that “Hunter deserves a little free PR. This is such an odd idea. . . .”
