
Ex-Assemblyman Cited for Lewd Conduct

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Former state Assemblyman Walter M. Ingalls was arrested in a Riverside park and cited for misdemeanor lewd conduct, police said Monday.

Ingalls, 42, was cited after he allegedly began masturbating as he talked with two plainclothes officers, Riverside police Lt. Gary Barnes said.

Ingalls was a Democratic assemblyman for 10 years until 1982, when he was appointed to the state Transportation Commission, where he served until February, 1985.


Barnes said the two officers had been “making a routine check” of some of the so-called “problem” areas of Fairmount Park when they “came into contact with Mr. Ingalls. They had a conversation and Mr. Ingalls committed a lewd act in their presence.”

In what Barnes described as routine procedure, Ingalls was cited and released without being booked, pending a decision by the Riverside County district attorney’s office on whether to file formal charges.

Ingalls was unavailable for comment Monday.
