
Dick Tracy, Please Come Back Home!

Is the Huntington Park Police Department Odyssey the training ground for new Times reporters? Since July 6, 1986--39 pages (8 1/2 x 11)! And those incompetents in the DA’s office can’t even clear up the “Case of the Slashed Tires,” where a high-ranking Huntington Park police officer was accused of the above deed on a South Gate businessman and attempting a cover-up. (Nov. 9, 1986).

They ought to put the “Top Gun,” DA Ira Reiner, on this case. Notice how quick he rounded up those thugs that stole his county car? Gosh, next time there is an opening for FBI director, Ira is the man! Recall how J. E. Hoover accumulated brownie points by rounding up auto thiefs? It paid off when he submitted his budget requests to Congress every year.

One suspect in that county auto caper is still on the loose. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes!



Signal Hill
